Chicago O’Hare Airport Baggage Handler Injury Claims Lawyer

Chicago O’Hare International Airport is a major international airport serving Chicago, Illinois. As of 2024, O’Hare is considered the world’s most connected airport. It is also the United States’ 4th busiest airport. Long hours and handling heavy luggage are just a fraction of the many health threats airport workers face on a daily basis. Airport baggage handlers spend most of their day transferring all this luggage and lifting up to 50 pounds by hand in conditions ranging from frigid cold to sweltering heat. The difficult physical labor involved in baggage handling leaves workers at increased risk for serious injuries on the job.
These are some of the most common types of accidents in which baggage handlers get injured:
– Repetitive motions
– Being struck by a vehicle
– Slip and falls on the tarmac
– Vehicle collisions on the tarmac
– Back injuries from lifting heavy items
– Exposure to extreme weather conditions
– Deep cuts or severe bruising from aircraft machinery
According to a recent study by the Flight Safety Foundation, a staggering 85% of back injuries to baggage handlers occur during the loading and unloading of narrow body aircraft. The cramped design of some baggage compartments results in significant limitations on the range of motion a baggage handler can use to push, pull, and stack baggage. Constantly lifting heavy bags puts a lot of stress on the body, and is one of the leading causes of workplace injuries in any industry. Hours of repetitive work can cause long-term stress and significant joint degeneration.
We understand how emotionally draining and physically stressful a workers’ compensation claim can be. Our lawyers are continually striving to bring comprehensive representation to the injured workers who deserve to have their claims taken seriously. For immediate help with a work injury case, call (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online.