5 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Workers’ Comp Case

Many workers’ compensation claims in Illinois are undone by deadlines, paperwork errors, and other missteps that can easily be avoided. If you are an Illinois worker who has been injured, or if you have gotten sick from doing your job – avoid these common mistakes to get the best settlement:
1. Failure to report the accident
You only have a limited amount of time to file a claim for financial compensation. Report your injury to your employer in writing immediately, letting them know when and where the injury occurred. It is also important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Acting immediately can help prevent the injury from getting worse, and it also helps protect you from your employer dismissing or questioning the validity of your claim.
2. Not keeping accurate records
After suffering a workplace injury or illness, it is crucial to keep accurate and detailed records. This means documenting the time missed from work due to the condition as well as all expenses related to medical treatment.
3. Failing to inform your doctor
When your doctor asks this question after a workplace injury, he or she really wants to know the details of your physical well-being. It is important to tell your doctor everything you can about the specifics of your injuries from the accident as well as any previous injuries to the same part of your body – which are known as “pre-existing” conditions.
4. Falsifying your injuries and symptoms
If you’re caught exaggerating about your symptoms or your limitations, you will lose credibility and you may have difficulty getting the benefits that you deserve. However, at the same time, it is important to not downplay any pain and symptoms that you are experiencing. Do your best to be honest, thorough, and accurate in your reporting.
5. Trying to file on your own
Following a workplace accident, injured individuals may be inclined to speak with their employer’s insurance company, without the assistance of an attorney. However, insurance companies do not represent injured workers. As a result, they often attempt to minimize or deny payments for job-related injuries. It is imperative that injured workers understand that a successful claim requires strong medical documentation and an ability to demonstrate that an injury or condition was caused by their job duties.
Being injured on the job can have a major impact on your quality of life and your ability to provide for your family. If you would like to receive more information on workers’ compensation settlements, wage claims, and how to receive benefits, call (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online. Since 1962, the law firm of Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd. has been a leader in the field of workers’ compensation law, protecting the rights of tens of thousands of workers injured on the job.