Tips for Workers’ Compensation Disputes

Categories: Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law. | June 15, 2020

In Illinois, if you’ve been injured on the job, you can claim benefits under the workers’ compensation program. Illinois law requires that a worker report a workplace injury within 45 days after the accident occurs. It is important to accurately report a workman’s comp claim in order to recover the benefits you deserve. However, there are chances that the employer may dispute the workers’ compensation claim. The employer can deny or dispute the claim due to a number of reasons. Even individuals who have clearly suffered a serious injury while conducting business can have their claim denied if they make mistakes in the process of filing their claim.

There are several reasons why an employer may simply deny the workers’ compensation to an injured employee. The most common causes cited by employers who deny workers’ compensation are:

– The injury is not serious enough
– The injury does not require medical attention
– The employee does not require time off work
– The injury did not occur within the course of work

Workers’ compensation disputes are initially resolved through an arbitration hearing before the IWCC. If either party is dissatisfied with the decision, the case may be appealed to a panel of IWCC Commissioners and the Illinois court system. The court requires that you obtain medical records, doctors’ depositions, and any other pertinent paperwork to proceed with a trial.

At Krol, Bongiorno, & Given Ltd., we understand that suffering an illness or injury on the job leaves you with difficult questions. With over 60 years of combined legal experience, the law firm of Krol, Bongiorno, and Given is a leader in the field of workers’ compensation law and we have earned the reputation as aggressive advocates for injured workers before the IWCC. We are well respected by defense attorneys, insurance adjusters and most importantly, the Arbitrators and Commissioners hearing your case. Call us at (312) 726-5567 for a free consultation or contact us online.